
Package, install and run application on TV without using the IDE

The Tizen IDE seems really slow and buggy when building and installing applications on a Samsung TV. "Build before launch" takes ages when the project contains big js files. Sometimes when I try to run a wgt it works and sometimes it doesn't. So I'm not sure what's happening here.

I've found these commands

  • tizen package -t wgt -s certificateName
  • tizen install -n MyApp.wgt
  • sdb install appId.AppName

Which commands does the IDE run and in which order? How can I find a process where I can be sure to succeed in deploying a version to a TV?


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  • tizen package -t wgt -s certificateName

==> this is packaging command for Command Line Interface.

  • tizen install -n MyApp.wgt

==> this is install command for Command Line Interface

  • sdb install appId.AppName

==> this is SDB install command. it is similar with the above one, but sometimes it does not work depends on its platform.


To use Command Line Interface (CLI), "tizen" command should be accesible which is usually in "<tizen studio folder>/tools/ide/bin".

And the device should be connected via SDB or Device Manager.

Usual build sequence is like the followings.

1. Build your project (Web app)

tizen build-web -- <project folder path>

This command will build your project in <project folder path> and collect the result in <project folder path>/.buildResult folder.


2. Package the project (Web app)

tizen package -t wgt -s <certificate profile> -- <project folder path>/.buildResult

This command will create a signed package for the project. the package name will be the "name" in config.xml.


3. Install the package

tizen install <your package file>

This command will install the package on the target device.

Now you can run your app from your target platform.