
Gear S3 Tizen 3.0 update Issues with filesystem, internet access over bluetooth, navigator.vibrate

Since the update my app is broken.. these are the issues. Also please note that the code is not wrong since it worked in Tizen 2.3.2 without any problems and the docs doenst list any changes for Tizen 3.0.

  • filesystem.resolve() throws the message below. (Dont need to solve this for me since I dithced this function anyway, however, I guess filesystem.resolve could be useful for others)
    TypeError: Cannot read property 'path' of undefined
  • Cant access internet over bluetooth anymore 
    • Similar to https://developer.tizen.org/forums/web-application-development/websocket-trouble-after-tizen-3.0-update-on-gear-s3
    • I am using new XMLHttpRequest() to make api calls. 
    • It works in 2.3.2, but not in 3.0 since the update
    • The app connects to the users own servers which often uses https. This mean that many users have non trusted certificates. This gave a popup where the user clicked "trust this certificate" or something similar, and it worked both over wifi and bluetooth. This still worked when using wifi.
      • xhr.onerror only give the response {isTrusted: true} no matter what url I try to call, even if I call some url that doenst exist. like "http://asdasd3sxc:123" This makes no sence
  • navigator.vibrate doesnt work anymore
    • The watch simple doesnt vibrate anymore and no error is thrown
    • I havent investigated this feature anymore because it isnt my prio at the moment, internet access is my number 1 prio.

What has changed, and how can I solve this?

I wont develop a companion app, if this is your solution I must say that you are working against the developers, it doesnt make any sence. I read some other thread here in the Tizen forum (however it was Native) and there you suggested that every developer should create a companion app just to get internet access.. Please...dont tell me that that is the solution. If so, why? It worked fine in Tizen 2.3.2





4 回复
Le Hoang

I am having the same issue with the Filesystem api. What is your current solution for this? Any hint would be very appreciated.



Iqbal Hossain

hi Erik H
I am facing problems with FileSystem and Vibration but XMLHttp working in my device. My device is Gear S3 with Tizen 3.0 

For FileSystem, I am getting same error

  1. TypeError: Cannot read property 'path' of undefined

navigator.vibrate gives no error but also no vibration. 

XmlHttpRequest working perfectly, 

 function getData(){
			var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
			xmlhttp.open("GET", "http://samples.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=London,uk&appid=b1b15e88fa797225412429c1c50c122a1",true);
			xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() {
				 if (xmlhttp.readyState === 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { 


    <access origin="http://openweathermap.org" subdomains="true"/>
    <access origin="*" subdomains="true"/>
    <tizen:privilege name="http://tizen.org/privilege/internet"/>


Erik H


A customer actaully mailed me and told me that a reset of the watch solved the issues... So Samsung fucked up in the update. I will implement a alert which popups if this bug is there, and tell the user that he or she needs to reset the watch due to Samsungs latest update. However, I havent implemented this yet or reset my watch yet. I will need to implement this check and then reset the watch and hope that my customer was correct, there is no way to downgrade the watch again. So I basically have 1 try to get this correct, which actaully shouldnt be a problem. 

Iqbal Hossain

My FileSystem problem is gone after Reset the Gear. Hope this will also help you.