

Does tizen support text wrapping in label controls based on any line breaking algorithms for unicode.

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


4 回复
Pushpa G
You can use \n linefeed in the text of the label control to achieve line break of text in the label : eg: Encoding* pEnc = Encoding::GetEncodingN(L"ISO-8859-5"); String str(L"Encoding\n Test \u0401\u0402"); int byteCount; pEnc->GetByteCount(str,byteCount); // Encoding ByteBuffer* pBuffer = pEnc->GetBytesN(str); int charCount; pEnc->GetCharCount(*pBuffer,charCount); // Decoding String decodedStr; result r = pEnc->GetString(*pBuffer,decodedStr); if(str.Equals(decodedStr)) { AppLog("yes encoding and decoding works fine"); __pLabel->SetText(decodedStr); this->RequestRedraw(true); } ANd also you can use enriched text in label. Enriched text supports text wrapping. pEnrichedText->SetTextWrapStyle(TEXT_WRAP_CHARACTER_WRAP); Refer to help link IDE->Help->Help contents>Tizen Native App Programming > API Reference > Namespace List > Tizen::Graphics>Tizen::Graphics::EnrichedText Class Reference for more details
Jerald Connelly

Thank you so much

Jerald Connelly

I hope to share more from you.

Rafael Cole

The article is quite helpful.