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Trigger alarm when Gear S screen is off


I use Alarm API in my app to shedule alarm clock (AlarmAbsolute) or timer timeout (AlarmRelative)  actions.

Everything worked fine on Gear 2 but on Gear S alarm is not triggered when screen is off.
It is triggered as soon as I turn screen on (using wake gesture or button). 

Does it need some special parameters in app-control or when scheduling alarm? I coudn't find anything in docs... :(

Any help will be appreciated. 

---- EDIT ----

I've made a video explaining issue in detail:

Sample app I've created and used for recording the video is avaliable at:



Edited by: SS on 23 12월, 2014
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Sanjeev BA

Have you provided the following privilege?

<tizen:privilege name="http://tizen.org/privilege/alarm"/>


Yes, of course. 

Alarm works (setting and triggering) but on Gear S it seems like alarm is not exact.

It is triggered, not on a specified time, but as soon as system is awaken.


For example: today, I've set alarm on a gear for 6:00am and independent second (on a phone) at 6:30am. 
And alarm on my watch was triggered at 6:30, ie. exactly when I got up from bed to snooze phone alarm. 






Try to use Power API when alarm triggers to wake up device.


I have the same problem, something is definitely wrong. All my alarms work correctly on Gear Neo and Gear 2, but on Gear S they don't get triggered until the screen is activated. For example I set my alarm for 15:00, but it won't go off unless I make a gesture to wake up the device. Then it will go off and launch my application.


Obviously it's impossible to use the Power API, as suggested above, because the application is not launched yet. It will only get launched once the screen is on.


Yes, Maciej, you are right. 

My app is using Power API but it does not help.

I've made a video explaining issue in detail:

Sample app I've created and used for recording the video is avaliable at:

Marco Buettner

It looks very strange ... You should use bugs.tizen.org and add your issue as bug there


Hey SS


I can confirm the problem you are describing. Everything works fine, when the device is connected by cable. Actually, it doesn't even have to be connected, it is enough that the adapter is plugged in.

I have a tip - try to implement a wrapper to redirect your console logs to the local storage. That way you can store the logs when the device is unplugged and then download them when you connect. This is the approach I have used to track down some other problems.

Mark as answer

I've got an info from Samsung, that "Fixed WRT codes were merged".

So I believe, we have to wait and the issue will be resolved with one of the incoming firmware updates for Gear S.
