언어 설정

I want to know how to launch the Basic Running App on GalaxyWatch when I build an app on GalaxyWatch.


As I said in the subject, I  want to know how to launch the Basic Running App on GalaxyWatch when I build an app on GalaxyWatch.


I am trying to build an app that launches the Default Running App on GalaxyWatch - I mean the built-in app,

while my app goes to the background or the default running app is sent to the background since my app calls the default running app.


Please, Let me know how to do this.


-- Best Regards,

Gordon Ahn.



1 댓글
Rajan singh

Basic Steps to Running App on Galaxy Watch after building an app on Galaxy Watch

1. After Building Your App.

2. Follow the Deploying and Running Method.

3. In the VS menu, select Tools> Tizen> Tizen Emulator Manager.

4. Select the Emulator Manager from the list and click Launch. if no application emulator exists, create one.

5.Now deploy the application by the emulator in the Visual Studio Toolbar.

6.After you can select the target from the drop-down list to change deployment.

7.If the deployment is successful, the application icon is visible on the emulator or device screen. Click the icon to launch the application.

