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[Gear Fit 2] Not being able to test HelloAccessory sample


I am actually new on tizen development as well on Android development. Currently, I am trying to test the HelloAcessory Sample for Web application on the Gear Fit 2. 

I already created the APK with the WGT file placed on assets folder, but when I install it, only the Android part is installed, nothing is installed on gear. I could run the examples just fine on the emulators, issue is that I am not quite sure how to install it on the gear fit 2.

Appreciate your help.


6 댓글

I was now able to upload the WGT on the Gear Fit 2 by intalling it via SDB and communication with server and provider worked as well. However I have read in some posts and documentations that the installation of the gear part is done on the android side. I have also read that this shloud be done by the Gear Manager app.  So my questions are:

  • Does this mean I have to publish the app on samsung store?
  • Is the re any simple way that I can only do it by having the APK on my Android device?

Thanks in advance for any help.

André Reus

Yes michel90 you have to publish Gear app to Galaxy store and Android app to Play Store. And you can link these app by deeplink.

You may follow this http://developer.samsung.com/gear/develop/creating-your-first-app/web-companion/configuration

And let me know the result. 


Hi André,

Thank you for your help and information provided.

I was hoping to have a better way to test it without having to publish the apps. 

Best regards

Slawek Kowalski

Putting wgt file in assets/ folder is an old way. It worked for oldest watches like Gear 2, Neo, S. Now wgt and apk are installed separatly. Inside wgt file config.xml you have to enter deep link to APK file on Google Play or Samsung Apps. APK file is called Companion app. Please download some tutorial from Samsung developer page how start with Companion app.

André Reus

Yes...that is the right way currently..I have already provided some resources about these.