언어 설정

Xamarin Navigation.PushAsync/PopAsync Crash on TV


My application works well on the emulator,
but less well on small 2020 televisions. It sometimes, no always, crashes when pages appear or disappear.

When I run the Navigation.PushAsync (),
it's still executed on the MainThread, and sometimes it didn't return a "Task",
so I got stuck with my "await" in the main thread.

In the logs I could see the methods were executed:
"OnDissapearing" was running for the old one and "OnAppaering" for the new page.

but my navigation does not return from task, and in the emulator the page was frozen,
I think the crash come from Navigation.PushAsync() probably  Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Tizen

Thank you


1 댓글
Tizen .NET

Could you share the simple test app with us(tizen.net@samsung.com) to reproduce it?
It would be helpful.
Thank you in advance.