언어 설정

Duration of Dynamic Box Application

Is it possible to increase the duration of the Dynamic Box Application as opposed to the default duration of 30 seconds?

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


4 댓글
youngsik yoon
do you have any problem with 30 seconds? i think it's enough time to provide dynamic box functionality because your service will be automatically re-launched if needed. anyway you can set it to 0. that means your service will not terminated but it might not be recommended for cpu/battery consumption.
Problem is that the dynamic box should keep updating itself as long as the same is on foreground. Also please do update as to how to set duration to 0. thanks.
youngsik yoon
i'm not sure but i think you should consider about update period of dynamic box. anyway you can set its life duration in manifest.xml. open it in sdk and go to "Advanced" tab.
Yeah got the logic. Thanks.