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Background app not working properly after last tizen update

Hi guys,

I have developed a native service app for the samsung gear S3 smartwatch (SM-R760) which listens to different sensors. Everything worked well until the last tizen update (to R760XXU2CRH1). After this update the app rarely gets sensor data when the display is off.

Is there anything I can do to get sensor data again, when the display is off? Or is it a bug in the update and you are already working on a fix?

Thank you very much,

Further information:

  • The app is build with a partner certificate
  • The manifest file is attached
  • "tizenVersion": "",
  • "buildString": "R760XXU2CRH1",
  • "modelName": "SM-R760"


7 댓글
Paul L
Hi, could you provide more details? Service is stopped? Crashed? Do you have any logs? Where is the manifest file?

Service is not stopped or crashed. It is still running. But the callbacks for the sensor listeners are not called anymore.

The manifest is uploaded as txt file. No Idea, why it does not show up.

Here it is again (replaced http:// by http__ to avoid external links):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<manifest xmlns="http__tizen.org/ns/packages" api-version="3.0" package="xx" version="1.3.2">
    <profile name="wearable"/>
    <service-application appid="xx" auto-restart="true" exec="xx" multiple="false" on-boot="true" taskmanage="false" type="capp">
        <metadata key="http__tizen.org/metadata/background-category/background-network"/>
        <metadata key="http__tizen.org/metadata/background-category/location"/>
        <metadata key="http__tizen.org/metadata/background-category/sensor"/>
        <metadata key="http__tizen.org/metadata/background-category/iot-communication"/>
        <datacontrol access="ReadWrite" providerid="http__xx.com/datacontrol/provider/xx" type="Map"/>
        <background-category value="background-network"/>
        <background-category value="location"/>
        <background-category value="sensor"/>
        <background-category value="iot-communication"/>

K Johnson

Here's a long and constructive discussion relevant to your problem. Please go through the link.


Thank you for the link to this discussion. Unfortunately there was nothing helpful. Our app is running as a service app with a partner certificate. Therefore we do not have the problem that it is killed by the system.

But in the meantime I have been able to get more details about the problem:

The SENSOR_HRM and SENSOR_HRM_LED_GREEN sensors are working fine (at least when they are restarted as soon as they deliver only noisy/random data).


After the app is running for 3 till 5 hours, the listeners for these sensors are not called anymore (even when I wait several hours). Also stopping and restarting them after 5 seconds does not help.

I have tested it with 15 different watches (all SM-R760) but it is always the same behavior.

I could not find any error or warning messages in the logfiles.

Do you have any suggestions or ideas, where we can find further information about the problem?

Is there a possibility to download the dlog of the watch for the last 24 hours to get some system insights?




K Johnson

By partner certificate do you mean a certificate created from Tizen Studio with partner previlege or registered by Samsung through this link?


We are already registered as partner, but currently we still use the one created from Tizen Studio.

Does it make a change, when we use the other one?

K Johnson

Would you please try with the registered partner certificate and check whether this scenario occurs or not?