언어 설정

"fair practices" = where is it's definition in t&c?

"In the interest of fairness, apps deemed as violating fair practices are disqualified from the program. Developers of disqualified apps will be notified individually via e-mail."

What constitutes "fair practices" ? 


1 댓글
vladimir Ceasar

Here you are sir:




If the participant is deemed to have attempted to damage the proper operation of the program by deceit or other unfair acts, the program administrator can limit the participant's program participation status. 
Such can also be applied to apps already approved for the program when unfair acts are committed. 

Apps which passed Tizen Store's validation process and are currently in service may also be judged whether they to have committed unfair acts or not by the Incentive Program administrator. 

The following are examples of unfair acts: 
- Apps which caused user confusion by using similar app titles and icons of popular apps 
- Apps deemed to have used popular brand names without proper licensing 
- Apps that illegally use icons and images from other apps 
- Apps with app titles that do not match the apps' features and contents 
- Apps for which legal licenses for their source codes are not possessed 
- Developers who have registered multiple simple or similar apps, preventing other apps from being displayed on tabs such as "New Free"