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Current does not fall under 6mA When app go to hold mode


I developed a simple 2D game on Tizen Native platform and packaged & uploaded in tizen store.

I made sure the app does not run any timers, and also i made sure the app is Idle when it goes to back ground (Ideally no UI updates and no service involved)

But the "Validation Team @ Tizen Store" had rejected the application with this reason "Current does not fall into under 6mA When application go to holdmode."

When asked for "Tool used" and the "mechanism to capture power consumption", i was requested to take help from developer forum.

But i could not find any help thread related to this power consumption measurement, could any one help me with this ?

Below is the data by Validation team for Power consumption.


Val: 041.500 mA
Avg: 048.561 mA
Avg (4V): 046.497 mA
Time: 038.500 mA
Min: 038.500 mA
Avg (300.0 sec): 047.832 mA


Let me know if any, Thanks in advance.




12 댓글

wow . this the first time ever I see such a "rejection message"



I think you need to use Dynamic Analyzer

There is energy constipation. Check the IDE help or online guide

12- energy consumptions*

Slawek Kowalski

I got the same message from Tizen Team.

My game in pause mode stops timer and additionally, I used PowerManger to

put CPU into sleep mode. But Tizen Team still reject game with message: Current does not fall under 6mA.

I gave up. Have no idea what can do more. Game is developed under SDK 2.2.

I supposet runtime framework used to launch 2.2 titles gets more power even game/app doesn't.


I suppose they don't want to have 2.2 titles in the Tizen Store anymore...







daniel kim


You mentioned about PowerManager for sleep mode in the code. could you post the code snippet about it here?

Maybe we can find any clue with it.

Alex Dem

just fyi, regarding Power manager:
For 2.2.1 https://developer.tizen.org/dev-guide/2.2.1/org.tizen.native.apireference/classTizen_1_1System_1_1PowerManager.html
For 2.3 you could try to observe something in dev-guide: Tizen Mobile Native App Programming > API Reference > Native API Reference > System

Slawek Kowalski


void Game::OnBackground(void) {
    result r = E_SUCCESS;
    r = Tizen::System::PowerManager::KeepCpuAwake(false);

void Game::OnForeground(void) {
    result r = E_SUCCESS;
    r = Tizen::System::PowerManager::KeepCpuAwake(true);

and have to add to manifest.xml line below:

It is actually not forcing to sleep mode, however,  allows to get control by system.


But again, it didn't help. App was rejected with the same message.



daniel kim

If validation team is checking the power consumption while your game is paused on the foreground,

I think that below power function need to be removed if it's not required as it can affect the sleep mode of device.

 void Game::OnForeground(void) {
    result r = E_SUCCESS;
    r = Tizen::System::PowerManager::KeepCpuAwake(true);


Saravana Balaji


I am using Tizen 2.3 SDK and developed this Native app/game.
Also, followed the suggestions given above in the thread. Profiled the game in Normal foreground and in background mode (app in idle state) using "Dynamic Analyzer Power consumption" technique.

Avg power usage of my game/app is around 70mA in foreground and background mode, Same is the value with the sample Tizen EFL Native App "Hello EFL" app.

Tested the scenario again with Alex proposed method of using "System Power APIs" > Mobile Native App programming -> API reference -> Native API reference ->  System -> Power
Privilege is enabled as given in doxygen.

Code snippet

device power request lock(for all 3 types, 0);     /* for inifinite time in app_pause callback*/
device power release lock(for all 3 types);          /* released lock in app_resume state */

Still the "Dynamic Analyzer power consumption" value remained 70mA in the background mode (i.e., App launch -> press hardward hold key -> wait 5 mins)

Could not get through with this blocker from Validation team.
And the Validation team (inspite of repeated attempts), failed to share the method with which they test and rejct the app in Tizen Store..

Slawek Kowalski

It seems we stuck for good and no help from Tizen support...

Chanwoo Choi


I have a power measurement equipment.

If you send your game(binary) to me, I'll try to measure thr power-consumption in sleep state and report you. If you are ok,  gmail id is 'cwchoi00'


Kilim A

 So what is the answer?

 I wait it here https://developer.tizen.org/forums/web-application-development/make-suspend-when-pause?langredirect=1

 Why nobody can say nothing?