
App is getting big in size
I am making an hybrid app using tizen Studio. Every time , I generate signed apk, app size is increasing. What is the problem actually??


2 Replies
Iqbal Hossain

Apk or tpk ? 

And how did you try to package ? Using Message porting ? or any other way...please share more info


ypu'd better check the followings.

1. right clcik on your project name on "Project Explorer" (usually on left pane of tizen studio)

2. select "Properties" and select "Tizen Studio" then select "Package" on left pane of the property dialog

3. then you can see your package on the right pane of the dialog. Expand your package name on the pane.

4. then you can confirm what files are consisting your package.

In most case of "increasing package size" issue, the package may have "wgt" file in the file list and checked.

Or you can verify if there is any unexpected file is included or not.

So if there is any, uncheck the file from the list.