I am trying to build a tizen wearable widget app.
I initiated the view as below.
int view_init(widget_context_h, int w, int h) { Evas_Object *win, *conform, *nf; widget_app_get_elm_win(context, &win) confom = elm_conformant_add(win) nf = elm_naviframe_add(conform) elm_object_part_content_set(conform, "elm.swallow.content", nf); //_naviframe_pop_cb is never fired (I am logging inside _naviframe_pop_cb) eext_event_callback_add(nf, EEXT_CALLBACK_BACK, _naviframe_pop_cb, NULL); eext_circle_surface_naviframe_add(nf); }
After that, I stacked another layout by calling `elm_naviframe_item_push(nf, NULL, NULL, NULL, layout, "empty")`.
Now the stack in naviframe should be: `add item layout` --- `item selection layout`.
But once I press physical back button when I am in `item selection layout`, it is expected to go back to `add item layout` but it is going back to watch face.
since `_naviframe_pop_cb` is never fired even though I added eext_event_callback_add, I am suspecting there is any ancestor object receiving EEXT_CALLBACK_BACK.
Am I doing something wrong?