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WRIST_UP works only if display is turned on. How to overcome this?
Updated by 2019年 05月 03日 12:36 English(英语)
1 0
Is it possible to TURN ON/OFF the always on mode from own application? (to change watch settings)
Updated by 2019年 05月 03日 12:36 English(英语)
2 0
Problem with Ambient mode and document.addEventListener "visibilitychange" if !document.hidden
Updated by 2019年 05月 03日 12:36 English(英语)
6 0
Sometimes app breaks down during switching to ambient mode (always on display) Gear S3. 2.3.2
Updated by 2019年 05月 03日 12:36 English(英语)
4 0
How to move an object via Gyro as it's made in GWD?
Updated by 2019年 05月 03日 12:36 English(英语)
1 0
Test Confirmation Rejected - The steps and heart rate is not sync. (ActivityMonitor API)
Updated by 2019年 05月 03日 12:36 English(英语)
2 0
Declaring classes doesn't work. How to declare Classes in JavaScript Tizen?
Updated by 2019年 05月 03日 12:36 English(英语)
1 0
Does the Sample project have a bug? 'DigitalWatch'
Updated by 2019年 05月 03日 12:36 Chinese, Simplified(简体中文)
1 0
What Listener is used when time is changed manually with emulator shell?
Updated by 2019年 05月 03日 12:36 English(英语)
3 0
Method setTimeout() doesn't work if a device is sleeping. Works if time isn't long (seconds, minutes). Doesn't work if > 1 hour
Updated by 2019年 05月 03日 12:36 English(英语)
11 0