

Emulator cant performance after install Tizen

Hi Tizen Admin,

After I setup the Emulator, and disable Hyper-V also.

But when I launch my emulator, the emulator never go to the main screen of TV, Wearable and also mobile.

What is the problems?


4 Replies
John Ixion
Eng Soon Cheah

But I'm installing Visual Studio Tools for Tizen. is that the emulator related to Tizen Studio?

Armaan-Ul- Islam

Yes, Emulator are related to Tizen Studio. If you have successfully followed this guide, You are using the Emulators from Tizen-Studio Package.


Visual studio Tools for Tizen Installation Guide


You can even run the emulators from 'Emulator Manager' without running visual studio or tizen studio.


Suggestions from myside:


# Update your Graphics Card driver.


# 'Intel HAXM' is by default installed with Tizen Studio IDE, which speed up the emulators. Check If 'intel haxm' is running or not.

Go to 'cmd' & Enter command 'sc query intelhaxm'

It should be running & the output should be similar to:



# Check If your PC meet the system requirement for Emulator.


Even If you meet the minimum requirements, remember Emulators demand powerful CPU, Graphics Card and Memory (RAM).