언어 설정

How can I optimize battery usage in Tizen applications?


I'm developing applications for Tizen devices and want to ensure that they are battery-friendly. Can anyone share tips or best practices for optimizing battery usage in Tizen applications? Whether it's minimizing background processes, optimizing network usage, or managing screen brightness, I'm eager to learn effective strategies to prolong battery life without compromising app functionality.



Your insights and experiences would be greatly appreciated!


2 댓글
Emma Yashri

Hey hi, please visit 


you can get some better information.

Thank you.

Woodard Elmer
  1. Minimize background processes: Reduce the number of background processes running when the app is not in use. Ensure that background tasks are only performed when necessary and are optimized for efficiency.

  2. Optimize network usage: Minimize network requests and data transfers by using efficient protocols like HTTP/2, WebSocket, or MQTT. Batch network requests where possible and use caching to reduce the need for frequent data fetches.

  3. Manage screen brightness: Implement screen brightness controls within your app to allow users to adjust brightness settings based on their preferences. Avoid keeping the screen brightness at maximum levels unnecessarily, as it can drain the battery quickly.

  4. Use power-efficient components: Utilize power-efficient components like sensors, GPS, and Bluetooth only when needed. Disable unused hardware components to conserve battery life.