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Utilizing the RED/IR LED for collecting HRM_RAW light intensities
Updated by aaa bbbbb 2021년 04월 11일 23:57 영어 (English)
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Utilizing the RED/IR LED for collecting HRM_RAW light intensities
Updated by aaa bbbbb 2021년 04월 11일 23:52 영어 (English)
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Can my app for GalaxyWatch connect to SamsungHealth app?
Updated by Gordon Ahn 2021년 04월 08일 08:18 영어 (English)
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How to implement the exit functionality for the tizen tv hosted application
Updated by yatheesh k 2021년 04월 07일 22:58 영어 (English)
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How to display Check widget with text label?
Updated by Eric Satkimbaev 2021년 04월 07일 16:24 영어 (English)
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Push Notification not push to galaxy active 2 when app is in background or not running
Updated by Binh Nguyen Van 2021년 04월 02일 02:35 영어 (English)
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Dynamically adding fetched items to a listview
Updated by Matthew Semeniuk 2021년 04월 02일 02:17 영어 (English)
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"Fast RWI is used" prompting when launching my app on TV
Updated by MaQsood Ali 2021년 04월 01일 00:40 영어 (English)
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BPM and gyro sensors - why BPM is working on background and gyroscrope dont?
Updated by mommek 2021년 03월 31일 00:35 영어 (English)
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Service Application with periodical vibration signal
Updated by Mishechkin 2021년 03월 30일 19:28 영어 (English)
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