
splitview: own header in each pane

How  to add own header in each pane of splitview?

Like this:


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


11 Replies
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
Tried doing as suggested in below link. It din't work for me for both jQuery and Tizen web framework projects. Not sure, if the header is really supported in the each panes. Will post back, if find any details on the implementation.

Is there any update?

Marco Buettner

Do you have some HTML Code? How you setup your header currently?


What do you mean "some HTML"? Here it is:

the question is how to make header or footer for each pane.

Marco Buettner

I think you should use H1 for own headers...


Did you try it? What about buttons?

Marco Buettner

Yeah I have try it... and with data-role="header" is depend on data-role="page"

I haven't try yet is it possible to add data-role="page" to a panel of splitview, but I doesn't thing so.

Otherwise you can write your own css-header :)


"own css-header"
I've been expected to do it using tizen framework


By the way, do not hesitate to share working example

Marco Buettner

I have no working example... But its legitim to overrite or modify the header css rules :)

Marco Buettner

I have no working example... But its legitim to overrite or modify the header css rules :)