
No Device to Launch


Many a times it so happens that as i try to run or debug the project by right-clicking on the project, error popup comes "There is no device to launch" although the emulator is running fine. How can i fix such issues?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


5 Replies
masashi itagaki
An error has occurred because it does not start the emulator it. Please run the emulator in the following procedure. 1.Open the Connetion Explorer. (Menu Bar -> Window -> Connetion Explorer) 2.Run the Emulator Manager button in the Connetion Explorer. 3.Create a emulator. 4.Launch a emulator. 5.Try to run or debug the project.
Go to Run Configuration and delete old configurations from left panel and then create new one
Madhuri A
These days I am facing the same problem very often. Even though the emulator is running fine, when I try to launch the project "There is no device to launch" popup is shown. I am fixing this issue by going to Connection explorer and selecting the emulator shown there. After selecting the emulator, try to launch the project again and it works fine.
Chintan Gandhi
Hi Madhuri, try this run->run configuration...->Tizen Native Application and delete "your filename-debug" files. Run it back and it should work fine.
Chintan Gandhi
Hi Madhuri, try this run->run configuration...->Tizen Native Application and delete "your filename-debug" files. Run it back and it should work fine.