How to use evas_object_data_get() API while using UI-Builder?????
I have to control back button function( name: nf_hw_back_cb in appmain.c ) in different view.
so I have to get current data`s view(uib_view_context) from evas_object_data_get() API like
uib_view_context* temp = evas_object_data_get(?,?);
but i don`t know how to use that api , which code to put in if we want to get current view`s view_context
below code is the function of the back button that is made tizen
nf_hw_back_cb(void* param, Evas_Object * evas_obj, void* event_info) {
evas_obj = uib_views_get_instance()->get_window_obj()->app_naviframe;
//TODO : user define code