

Hi to all,

If I underestand good, I map overlay is used, for example, to show way points in a map, when you scroll the map that marks are moving with the map, but what is exactly a bubble? How to use? because un the API there is not enought info for underestanding, also, the API speaks about bubble follow and other overlay map... Any help for underestand please?

Thanks to all!


3 Replies
Yasin Ali


If you want to add an overlay that has a bubble style layout and icon then you've
to use this function.

Elm_Map_Overlay* elm_map_overlay_bubble_add  ( Evas_Object *  obj ) function
adds a new bubble overlay to the map object. This overlay has a bubble type.

A bubble is not displayed unless the geographic coordinates are set or any other overlays are followed.

Hope it will work.
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Carlos Dominguez

Ali, I need more information that the manual, you only repeat what is wrote in the documentation, tell me more, about for examble de diference of the behavior between the normal overlay and the bubble overlay, and then I will mark as answer.


Marco Buettner

Overlay is the whole and can be consist bubble, lines etc.... Overlay is all you want to draw on your map, also icons... 

If u only mark on specific point: use bubble

if u want connect two or more points: use line

and so on... 

Overlay is just the parent for bubble, line, etc...